C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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File List
101 lines
1) .ne sometimes premature (first line of page?)
2) .ic doesn't work
3) boldface can effect headers and footers (need
separate environment for headers and footers)
4).ou not all there
5) .so command not in documentation table
6) .ju out of alphabetic order in doc table
7) default width of 80 characters too wide; should default to
60 characters which will work with 64 character
displays and is 6" wide for PICA printers (1" margins).
8) roff47.c sends diagnostic to output device instead of to
9) some of debug lines refer to LINENO instead of VLINENO.
10)defining strings "on the run" inside of .ou or .tr
definitions caused problems because the two definitions
would be in contention of the TRTBL.
11)Margins aren't always settable.
12) \#\ sometime has previous page number when near start of
13) .rg # 5 would create a register, '#', which would not be
accessible because of the special overriding use of \#\
to insert the current page number.
FIXES in ROFF4 v1.60:
1) need() was fixed
2) added "case IC:" to fix
3) implemented separated environement for phead, pfoot using
exchange() and reinitializing UF,XF,MCNT
4) added OU decoding in ROFF41.C
5) fixed, created files: ONE, TWO, THREE
6) fixed
7) changed default for .rm and .ow to 60
8) fixed
9) fixed
10) ROFF4 v1.60 now tests for contention between definitions
so that a diagnostic is issued and the program aborts.
The subroutines, start() and complete() are added for this
purpose. The documentation, ROFF4.DOC, has been modified
to describe what not to do and how to achieve the same
goals legally.
11) fixed ROFF4.C to permit setting M1, M4 to zero, also to
update BOTTOM when M3,M4 are changed. It was necessary
to modify phead(), pfoot() by reinitializing variables
such as OLDLN and OUTBOT. VLINENO is redefined to be
negative initially (zero might be ambiguous if the top
margins,M1+M2, are zero). The file, MARGINS is good to
test for problems.
12) Never possible to do perfectly, but the MARGINS test is
now doing well. fgets2() modified for more careful
assignment of \#\.
13) dovar() was modified to handle .rg # .. as an enhancement
(see below)
1) In addition to the above fixes. I have added a selective
Print option. By typing:
A> roff4 -o[page or range] ...
One can have only one page output or only a range of pages
output. This was added at the urging of Chris Terry and of
Henry Harpending. The clincher was Henry Harpending suggesting
how easy it would be to do.
Three global variables have been added: FIRSTPAGE,
LASTPAGE, and SUPPRESS. With the use of the -o option, the
first two variables are modified from their initial values of
1 and 30000 to a suitably narrower, selected range. At the
start of each page, SUPPRESS is set to TRUE if the page is
outide the selected range (and FALSE otherwise). The
putchar() function supplied here is checking SUPPRESS to see
if it should return without doing any output. It was fun
adding this!
Also due to Henry Harpending's suggestions, it is now
possible to make skips in the normal pagination without having
a fixed break in the text so that full-page illustrations, etc.
may be placed later in the manuscript. This is accomplished
by adding a "feature" to the .rg command:
.rg # +2
would, for example, cause the page numbering of pages FOLLOWING
the current page be incremented by 2 (leaving two page numbers
unused following the current page). The sample file, MARGINS,
demonstrates (tests) this feature.
1) traps to implement running footnotes, multi-line headers
and footers, etc.
2) conditional macro capability
3) parameterized macros
4) the ability to use the .SO command from the keyboard
5) a special "filter" program that would automatically convert
WordStar document files into ROFF4 compatible source files.